savior of the people


hello fellows, this is the first real post upon my new webpage. if youve found yourself here, welcome! i am swamped by a bog ton of finals, but i am still finding time for whimsy where i can. now if you domt mind i have something important to talk about so lets get this over with. take a fly and grab a seat or whatever and listen

forte into heroship

im writing this as i wait to return a wallet. i was in class and i found this lovely leather wallet with a horse on it. but thats not the cool part. i tried looking this fellow up to find a phone number to call them but instead i found thier band?? its a small folk band made up from a group of friends at uni here and it kind of slaps its really good. so anyways i emailed them and now im waiting to return it to him, ill let you know how that goes. let this be a testiment to how new music is everywhere.
update: they were so so cute on their instagram but was slightly less cute in person. they were very happy to see their wallet and also very happy to hear they had a new fan. i feel at peace with the world as i ahve done a righteous thing and everyone should thank me

autism research

here at signfrog i ask the important questions. like why are 2 dollar bills still being made, and how did a fellow invent the toothbrush. but what i want to know today is how the heck books are made these days, because surely they dont load them into the individual printing presses anymore or, frog forbid, have your squire scribe the entire thing by hand. theres gotta be some more advanced way of doing it.
Q: how are books made in the modern age?
A: big factory! of course, there was no other solution.
but really, they have lots of conveyor belts and things as you might expect. i found many different places doing it different ways. appearantly most books are not made in the US, but there are many examples of US book makers, here is one of them. the almanac has a very large faucility that seems to be primarily machine run. they have some classic "its this many football fields long" measurements which i always find very annoying, because how am i supposed to imagine that. like really. just say miles, its easier. anyway the coolest facts are that both sides of a page are printed similtaneously, and the rolls of paper they use are 6.6 miles long. but other than that its basically just a printing press but a lot bigger and faster. the binding station is neat, it seems like the glue is applied and then they send the books along a track to dry before getting boxed.
kind of anticlimactic if im being honest, i was ready for some true wonders but i guess some things are pretty ordinary.


- as i mentioned previously finals suck and i am not the most scholarly frog out there, i frequently get low grades because i feel like the assignments are pointless to my understanding. but time continues to move, so i will as well
- i started getting back into actually doing art which has been very refreshing, i havent felt the urge to do art in a long while. right now im doing pixel art for the icons on signfrog, which will slowly start to appear over the next few weeks. my end goal is to have almost all of the page be by own sprites.
- finally remembered to start taking melatonin before bed again, and my dreams have been very strange, so be ready to hop over to the dream log soon, there will be some things there.
- continuing my re-listen of the magnus archives, i forgot how bad listening to this show is for my schedule. i drop everything to listen. also listening to the new protocol episodes as they come out, and theyve been good thus far.

snack of the week

as the term enters its final stages and i near my last wits, i feel that i have a duty to shout out the most fundamental, the most universal snack of all time. cheez its. cheez its: a snack to fill the square shaped hole in your square shaped heart, that is only slightly bigger than the hole, because cheez its are just that important to you. trust me, i know, i asked you and you said they were.


i am very excited to finally have the time to do interesting things and be loved by all once again. ive debated starting so many new hobbies in the last week, you will congratulate me on my colossal restraint. talk to you fellows soon, until then, hop safe.

signfrog lives


hello fellows, welcome to signfrog autism blog, the only blog inconsisent enough to change formats twice in two posts.

its been a minute since i last put something here, so this issue will mostly be me just updating you on how things are going in my life.

should be kind of a short one this week but i think youll be hearing from me again very soon. until then grab a fly, take a seat, and enjoy.

the website

as you may have noticed, i started this website! ive been planning to do this since day one (back in may, whoah its been a minute) and im very excited to finally be spreading the good word. i have a million projects in mind, since i am a very chaotic fellow as i am sure you fellow are all too aware of now, and having a website of my own will allow me to explore all of them and put them all in one place. i like this blog. i hate google docs bc of how it uses my words for its ai. i hate tumblr because social media makes my life feel less worth living. so i just. stopped doing it. but now signfrog will have a true home on the internet for all to see and marvel at.

i will continue to update and make minor and major changes to the website as i go along. its rather unfinished right now, but getting it published will encourage me to actually continue to work on it, and get feedback from people.

other updates

- i finished reading all of sandersons cosmere recently. it was quite a journey and i feel pretty devastated. i didnt realise how much time i spent on listening to his books until i ended up with all this free time that im rushing to fill.
- i also started and finished patrick rothfuss' name of the wind in about a week, im not used to short books anymore
- the magnus protocol season 2 is starting up now and its re-ignited my magnus related insanity, prepare to see some magnus related posts very soon
- im listening to a lot of music rn. i will be sharing recommendations once i find a good place on the site to put those. as im writing this very sentence im listening to Lauren by Huan Huan.
- i shot my very first short film for a class recently, which i found very stressful but very enjoyable. ill link it on the art page once i finish editing it, its pretty funny if i do say so myself. and i do, so it must be true.
- there hasnt been much time to do any fun research, as ive had one big assignment after another for what feels like centuries, but i am entering into some more free time soon that i will be using to blog and goof off for your mandatory enjoyment.

snack of the week

in honor of the launch of this wonderful project i thought id celebrate by honoring the snack that got us where we are today, cheezits. cheez its: the only snack you can eat while still convincing yourself that geometry is real.


slightly shorter issue this week but i intend to update this pretty frequently in the next little bit, so keep an eye on this page for me, it might run away if you dont. thanks for all the encouragement, i hope you find something fun to do on here once i start to add them. bye